Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An Introduction - Trying to Simplify the Problem

Like most people, I've heard the discussions from both sides about issues like Global Warming, "Green" Energy and Sustainability. Intelligent people from all sides (scientists, business leaders, politicians, etc.) make great points about why their view on these issues is right or the other side is wrong. But the more and more I listen to these people, the more that several thoughts continue to run through my mind:
  • Most people (individuals) can't comprehend problems of this magnitude, so how do you expect them to act?
  • Most people don't think in those timelines (2020, 2050), so how do you expect them to want to get engaged?
  • Most conversations seem to focus on "save the environment" vs. "it's costs too much money", as if it's always a binary decision. Many of these discussions could be win-win if positioned properly.
  • Nobody seems to have found the right community rallying point. such as Kennedy's "Man on the Moon" speech, or Lance Armstrong's LiveStrong yellow wristbands. "Green" needs that simple yet powerful rallying point.
So the purpose of this blog is to explore ways that allow people to want to not only get involved in creating more sustainable solution, but also to show them how it can benefit them and their families.